Beautiful Second Act

Addiction, Sexual Assault, and 23 & Me. An Interview w/ TedX Sensation, Maria Leonard Olsen

Patti Diener / Maria Leonard Olsen Season 3 Episode 10

From blowing up her 25 year marriage due to alcoholism, and suddenly finding herself with an empty nest, and living alone for the first time in her life, Maria had no other choice but to make some serious changes.

Maria's popular TedX video, "Turning Life's Challenges Into a Force for Good," had me on the edge of my seat. She wrote a book, (50 After 50), about the huge changes she made after turning 50, and candidly shared that with the world too.

But what I was not expecting to hear was about her experience with sexual assault, and the shocking news she learned from taking a 23 & Me DNA test.

Maria Leonard Olsen is a remarkable human that is living out her years serving others, while striving to grow spiritually stronger every day.

Links to today's episode:
Maria's website:
The TedX Talk: Turning Life's Challenges Into a Force For Good
Her book: 50 After 50
Al-Anon Meetings

My book: After The Fire
Beautiful Second Act Facebook Group
Instagram: beautiful_second_act

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